Winter Weather in Kansas City and Kansas

The health system is open and providing care through winter weather conditions.

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Featured Specialists

Nurses and doctors talking in hospital hallway.

The University of Kansas Health System is pleased to spotlight the following physicians on our medical staff. Please contact a member of our physician relations team if you have questions or are seeking a referral to any of our providers.

Featured physicians

Robert Barton, DPM

Robert C Barton, II, DPM


Fellowship: Diabetic Limb Salvage

Sterling Braun, MD

Sterling E Braun, MD

Plastic Surgery

Fellowship: Microsurgery

Craig Follette, DO

Craig J Follette, DO

Surgical Critical Care

Fellowship: Trauma and Surgical Critical Care

Jonathan Howerton, DO

Jonathan A Howerton, DO

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Jyotsna Koduri, MD

Jyotsna Koduri, MD

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Board certification: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Ryan Morse, MD

Ryan T Morse, MD

Radiation Oncology

Evelyn Qin, MD

Evelyn S Qin, MD

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Fellowship: Cancer Rehabilitation Medicine

Khulan Sarmiento, DO

Khulan Z Sarmiento, DO

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

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