Modified Hours for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

In recognition of the upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday, some of The University of Kansas Health System’s offices will have modified hours on Monday, January 20.

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Quiz: 5 Questions Women Should Ask That Could Save Their Lives

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1. What is the most common symptom of endometrial cancer?

a. Pain
b. Itching
c. Nausea
d. Vaginal bleeding

Answer: D. The cardinal symptom of endometrial cancer is abnormal uterine bleeding. In post-menopausal women, even a small amount of bleeding can indicate cancer. The amount of bleeding does not correlate with the amount of cancer.

2. How can I reduce my risk for developing cervical cancer?

a. Limit exposure to multiple partners
b. Use condoms
c. Routine PAP smears
d. All of the above

Answer: D. According to the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, having a routine PAP smear can prevent almost all cervical cancers if done routinely and abnormal tests are treated according to the guidelines. According to our gynecologic oncology team, women age 45 and younger should have the papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination as well. HPV causes 95% of cervical cancers.

3. What are considered to be the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer?

a. Bloating/abdominal pressure
b. Lower abdominal and or pelvic pain
c. Feeling full quickly and /or difficulty eating
d. Frequent and/or urgent urination
e. All of the above

Answer: E. Symptoms of ovarian cancer are not specific to the disease, and they often mimic symptoms of many other more common digestive and bladder conditions. When ovarian cancer symptoms are present, they tend to be persistent and worsen with time. About 75-90% of women have early symptoms, usually 2 or more.

4. What options are available for reducing my risk for ovarian cancer?

a. Breast feed
b. Surgically remove ovaries and fallopian tubes
c. Pre-menopausal oral contraceptive pill
d. All of the above

Answer: D. The cause of ovarian cancer is still a research subject. What we know is that women who ovulate less tend to have a lower incidence of cancer. We also know there is a genetic link. About 10-15% of ovarian cancers are genetically related. In addition to the above, women who have had a past pregnancy have a lower risk of ovarian cancer.

5. How old do I have to be to stop having a pelvic examination?

a. Age 40
b. Age 50
c. Age 60
d. Never too old

Answer: D. Women should never stop having pelvic exams.

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