Winter Weather in Kansas City and Kansas

The health system is open and providing care through winter weather conditions.

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Greens and Things Smoothie

Green smoothie.


8 oz. low-fat greek yogurt

1/2 lime, peeled and seeded

1/2 cup seedless grapes

1 cup frozen mango pieces

3 cups kale


Place yogurt, grapes and lime in blender. Process until liquid. Add frozen mango and kale. Blend until smooth. Serve.

Yield: 2 16-oz. smoothies

Nutritional information

Per serving: 206.5 calories, 2.8g total fat, 10.1g protein, 40.7g carbohydrates, 4.3g fiber, 6.8mg cholesterol, 26.3g sugar, 125.4mg sodium

Note: This is a meal replacement smoothie. It provides balanced nutrition while helping with weight loss.

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