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Chicken and Feta Salad-stuffed Pitas

Sliced grilled chicken.

July 12, 2022

This easy to make recipe will take about 20 minutes to prepare. It is high in protein and a quick fix if you're looking for a nutritious meal in a hurry. Substitute Greek yogurt for the plain yogurt in the ingredient list to boost protein. Additionally, yogurt provides calcium and probiotics that support bone and gut health.

Ingredient list

  • Chopped cooked or grilled chicken 
  • Loose-packed frozen peas, thawed
  • Chopped tomato 
  • Crumbled feta cheese 
  • Sliced green onion 
  • Plain, fat-free yogurt
  • Dried dill 
  • Pita-bread rounds 
  • Torn mixed salad greens


In a large bowl combine chicken, peas, tomato, feta cheese, and green onions. Stir in yogurt and dill; toss to combine.

Line pita halves with greens. Spoon chicken mixture into pita halves. If desired, cut each pita half in half.

To lower sodium content, try adding additional seasonings like garlic powder, onion powder, or pepper before adding salt.  

Optional: Add additional fresh vegetables as sandwich toppings or serve with a side salad and fresh fruit for an extra servings of fruit and vegetables to help meet your daily nutrition goals.

Make the recipe with us!

Our chef demonstrates how to prepare this recipe.

Hello everyone. Thank you for joining us today.

Today, we're going to be making a chicken and feta salad-stuffed pita. We'll be starting off with some frozen, diced chicken, a little bit easier to use the already frozen cooked product. The idea behind this recipe is making it fast and quick in your kitchen at home. We use a frozen, prepacked, sorted peas, a little bit of diced tomato, little bit of Feta cheese, some diced green onion. Today, we're using a low-fat Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt's got a little bit extra protein in it. Little bit of probiotics makes it a little bit healthier for the gut. And a little bit of dill for that seasoning.

And we're going to mix all this together. And what we do is we take a full pita round, slice it in half, slice it open, stuff it with your favorite greens. Today, we're using a Tuscan mix. When that's all said and done, you get a nice little mixed product. Here is our finished product. Our pita's stuffed with our chicken and feta salad, fresh greens. Happy healthy eating!

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