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Hearing and Balance Center

How to Use Prednisone
Your doctor has prescribed prednisone to help you ear condition. Prednisone is a corticosteroid, also called a steroid.
Tips for effective treatment
- Before taking prednisone, tell your doctor if you have tuberculosis, diabetes, severe high blood pressure, kidney disease, psychiatric illness or a duodenal ulcer.
- Take this medication exactly as prescribed.
- Do not stop taking prednisone without consulting your doctor. Stopping suddenly can cause serious side effects or death.
- Take 1 oz. of an antacid (Maalox, Mylanta) with each steroid dose, as prednisone may cause stomach ulcers.
- Avoid aspirin, alcohol and nicotine.
- Try to eat a hight-protein, low-fat diet.
- If you get an unrelated infection or serious injury while on this medication, tell your physician you are taking prednisone.
- If you become pregnant, call your doctor.
- Stay away from people who are sick and wash your hands often.
- If you get exposed to chicken pox or measles, call your doctor immediately.
- Store your medication in a dry place at room temperature.
Side effects are uncommon when prednisone is taken as prescribed for a short period. Side effects are more likely when it is taken at a high dosage over a long period.
Common side effects:
- Acne
- Cataracts
- Changes in mood
- Difficulty sleeping
- Headaches
- Heartburn
- Increased facial hair
- Menstrual irregularities
- Swelling due to fluid retention
- Tiredness
- Weak muscles
- Weight gain