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Transplant Center Tops 5,000 Transplants

December 14, 2021

Kansas City, Kan. — The University of Kansas Health System organ transplant team recently reached an impressive benchmark of 5,000 organs transplanted.

The historic surgery took place on September 2 at the main campus in Kansas City, when a patient received a kidney transplanted by Daniel Murillo, MD.

“The University of Kansas Health System has reached a significant milestone,” says Timothy Schmitt, MD, our health system’s director of transplantation.

“This achievement could only be accomplished through teamwork, dedication and support from leadership,” he adds. “Our group has helped so many people over the years simply by putting them first and focusing on doing what is best for patients.”

Reaching 5,000 transplants has taken generations. Our health system’s fist organ transplant was in 1969 – 52 years ago. The program now is one of the largest in the region, completing 299 solid organ transplants in 2020, its highest-volume year.

The 5,000 mark “is more than a number,” says Jaime Bartley, RN, director of nursing in the Center for Transplantation. “It’s a reflection of thousands of lives saved through generous organ donors, transplantation professionals, teamwork and collaboration.”

The transplant center directly involves about 150 physicians, nurses and other clinicians specializing in kidney, pancreas, liver and heart transplantation. The team also includes professionals who provide pharmacy, nutrition, social work, financial counseling services.

Learn more about our organ transplantation program.

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