Winter Weather in Kansas City and Kansas

The health system is open and providing care through winter weather conditions.

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Spiritual Care

Our spiritual care specialists are available by request to patients and their loved ones 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All of our spiritual care providers can connect you with an ordained minister who is able to administer sacraments.

Reach a spiritual care specialist. Call 913-945-7849.

Spiritual care specialists

Our spiritual care team includes board-certified chaplains, clinical pastoral fellows, residents, interns and volunteers who minister to patients and their loved ones with prayer, counsel, devotional materials, rituals and sacramental needs.

Rev. Ben Hayden, MDiv, BCC

Ordained minister

Full-time staff chaplain

Rev. Becky Johnson, MDiv, BCC

Ordained minister

Full-time staff chaplain

Rev. Todd MacLean, MDiv, DMin, BCC

Ordained minister

Full-time staff chaplain

Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) supervisor

Rev. Clarence Miller, III, ThD, ScPsyD

Full-time staff chaplain

Ordained minister

Rev. Andrea Roth, MDiv, MTS, BCC, CBC Provider

Ordained minister

Full-time staff chaplain

Jesse Myers, MDiv, BCCC

Full-time staff chaplain – Behavioral Health

Fr. Dominic Pham, MDiv

Ordained minister

Catholic priest

Full-time staff chaplain

Rev. Jeff Stegner, MDiv, BCCC

Ordained minister

Full-time staff chaplain


If  you need a quiet place to reflect, pray or meditate, we offer 2 dedicated spaces on our main campus.

For religious service times and locations, call 913-588-5000.

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