
The health system’s culture is rooted in collaboration and respect, teamwork and trust. Our leadership team is steadfast in its drive and commitment to support and empower all members of the organization in our shared quest for success.
Our board of directors, executive team and clinical leadership teams bring invaluable experience and direction to everything we do. These individuals are instrumental in our efforts to realize our vision to lead the nation in caring, healing, teaching and discovering.
We thank our leaders for their roles in helping us provide the best care and service to patients and their loved ones in Kansas City and throughout our state and region. See a partial listing of our executive team below.
Executive team

Tammy Peterman, MS, RN, FAAN, NEA-BC
President, Kansas City Division
Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Nursing Officer

Steve Stites, MD
The University of Kansas Health System, Executive Vice President, Clinical Affairs, and Chief Medical Officer
University of Kansas Medical Center, Executive Vice Chancellor

Jeff Risinger
Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

Brenda Dykstra
Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer

Doug Gaston
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Chris Harper
Chief Information Officer

Shawn Long
Vice President, Fund Development, Corporate and Community Outreach

Rachel Pepper
Chief Nursing Officer, Kansas City Division

Dan Peters
Senior Vice President and General Counsel

Chris Ruder
Chief Operating Officer, Kansas City Division
Board of directors

Robba Moran, Chair
Retired attorney, former member of Kansas Board of Regents
Manhattan, KS

Jack Newman Jr., Vice Chair
Former executive vice president, Cerner Corporation
Leawood, KS

Monte Coffman
Windsor Place, executive director
Coffeyville, KS

Romano Delcore, MD
The University of Kansas Health System, chairman, department of surgery
Kansas City, KS

David B. Dillon
Former president and CEO, Kroger
Mission Hills, KS

Jean Giddens, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF
University of Kansas School of Nursing, dean
Kansas City, KS

Doug Girod, MD
University of Kansas, chancellor
Lawrence, KS

Greg Graves
Former president and CEO, Burns & McDonnell
Stillwell, KS

Talal Khan, MD
The University of Kansas Physicians, president
Kansas City, KS

Elizabeth H. King, PhD
Wichita State University Foundation, former president and CEO
Wichita, KS

Kevin Lockett
Fulcrum Global Capital, partner and CFO
Leawood, KS

Maureen Mahoney
Unified Government of Wyandotte County, chief of staff
Kansas City, KS

Akinlolu Ojo, MD
University of Kansas School of Medicine, executive dean
Kansas City, KS

Bob Page
The University of Kansas Health System, president and CEO
Kansas City, KS

Anne St. Peter
Global Prairie, Founder
Kansas City, MO

Steve Stites, MD
University of Kansas Medical Center, Executive Vice Chancellor
The University of Kansas Health System, Executive Vice President, Clinical Affairs, and Chief Medical Officer
Kansas City, KS

Mark Uhlig
Uhlig, LLC, CEO
Leawood, KS

Debbie Wilkerson
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, President and CEO
Kansas City, MO