Winter Weather in Kansas City and Kansas

The health system is open and providing care through winter weather conditions.

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Every health system patient, visitor and employee deserves safety and respect. We share the responsibility to create and uphold a safe and healing environment. We take patient safety very seriously and have a zero tolerance policy for aggressive, abusive or offensive behavior.

Our Code of Conduct discusses our shared responsibilities for promoting respectful, safe spaces. As a patient of the health system, you are asked to uphold our Code of Conduct and have access to these patient rights.

Thank you for your support

You will see our Code of Conduct upon check-in or during the e-consent process for visits. We appreciate your support in helping us create a safe environment. Working together, we can protect each other and focus on care and healing.

We offer a variety of appointment types. Learn more or call 913-588-1227 to schedule now.

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